Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Budtenders and the Importance of Training
Budtenders play an integral role in the cannabis industry. Without skilled and passionate staff, product quality and customer experience would suffer, and dispensaries would struggle to operate and stay profitable.
However, budtenders haven’t always received the recognition they deserve. Often seen as a “stopgap” job, the role of the budtender isn’t typically considered a career. This perception means budtenders often receive less investment in training compared to their peers in cultivation or extraction roles.
For the cannabis industry to thrive, supporting and promoting proper budtender training is essential. The Original Terpene Flashcards are perfect for training staff, helping them understand the complexities of terpenes and how they influence the effects and flavors of cannabis products.
Why Budtenders Are Vital to the Cannabis Industry
Budtenders serve as the “face” of a dispensary, representing not just the business but also the growers and producers behind the products. To effectively represent their industry peers, budtenders need a strong foundation of knowledge about cannabis cultivation, processing, and the various products available. This includes:
Explaining different strains and their effects
Discussing terpene profiles and their impact on flavor and experience
Advising on product types and consumption methods
Additionally, budtenders must excel in both soft and hard skills to prepare and recommend products effectively and provide exceptional customer service.
Proper Budtender Training is Vital
In order to provide high-quality customer experiences and detailed information about products, budtenders need comprehensive training. Passion and a strong work ethic are important, but regular and thorough training is crucial for success.
Unfortunately, budtenders often receive insufficient training. The cannabis industry needs to prioritize training to ensure staff feel invested in and motivated to grow in their roles.
How Dispensaries Can Provide Excellent Budtender Training
Training should cover a variety of topics, including:
Understanding terpenes and their effects using tools like The Original Terpene Flashcards
Learning about different cannabis products and their uses
Developing soft skills such as communication and customer service
Effective training programs often include hands-on experience and detailed education on cannabis science and industry practices. This helps budtenders understand why certain procedures are followed and how they impact product quality and customer satisfaction.
Engaging with Younger Generations is Key
The cannabis industry, like any other, relies on younger generations to support its growth and innovation. Investing in high-quality budtender training can help attract and retain young talent, ensuring a sustainable and resilient industry.
​By prioritizing formal training and encouraging career development, the cannabis sector can motivate budtenders to forge long-term careers, ultimately benefiting the industry as a whole.
Founder at Terpene Flashcards
Founder, ASA-Maryland Chapter
Chairman, ASA-Bay Area Chapter
Tony has spent time as a cannabis activist in DC, founding the original ASA-Maryland Chapter. More recently, Tony has spent time in San Francisco, CA, as the chairman of the ASA - Bay Area Chapter. Tony spends the majority of his time curating individual cannabis experiences.
He dedicates his life to patient advocacy and enterprise level trainings for local and national cannabis companies alike.
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